

Anglian Boxer Club

Secretary  Mrs Debbie Payne
East Winds, Chalk Lane, Withern, Alford, LN13 0LF
Tel: 01507 451633
Web: www.theanglianboxerclub.co.uk


British Boxer Club

Secretary   Mrs M Seeney
Winnaway Kennels, The Bield, Winnaway,Harwell, Oxon OX11 0JQ 
Tel: 01235 835207
Email: marionseeney@aol.com

Treasurer Viv Matthews
12 Cumnor Road Boars Hill Oxford OX1 5JP
Tel: 01865 735712

Chairman Amanda Jinks
'Derobina', Aldeburgh Road, Aldringham, Leiston, Suffolk. IP16 4QL
Tel: 01728 454423.
Web: www.thebritishboxerclub.co.uk


Cotswold Boxer Club
Secretary   Mr T N Hutchings
Winuwuk House, Stroat, Chepstow, Monmouthshire, NP16 7LP
Tel: 07711167852
Email: winuwuk@btinternet.com
Treasurer Julie Brown
Winuwuk House, Stroat, Chepstow, Monmouthshire, NP16 7LP
Tel: 07711167852
Chairman Lesely Wearing
Roundclose Road, West Adderbury, Banbury Oxon OX17 3EP
Tel: 01295 810831
web: www.cotswoldboxerclub.com

Essex & Eastern Counties Boxer Club

Secretary/Treasurer Mrs N Maddocks
40 Hill Lane, Hawkwell, Hockley, Essex, SS5 4HW
Tel: 01702 876014
Email: nadia19@sky.com

Chairman Ken Groom
17 Wykes Green, Basildon, Essex. SS14 2PU
Tel: 01268 280546
Web: www.essexandeasterncountiesboxerclub.co.uk



Irish Boxer Dog Club
Secretary: Mr P. Keenan
3 St Brigids Park, Camlough, Newry BT35 7HE
Tel: 028 308 38919
Email: paul@paulkeenan.orangehome.co.uk

: Mrs F. Gracey
35 Newry Road Rathfriland BT34 5AZ
Tel: 028 40630423
Chairman: Mr R.Tolson
67 Dromore Road Ballynahinch BT24 8HS
Tel: 077230005356
web: irishboxerdog.wix.com/club1
London and Home Counties

London & Home Counties Boxer Club

Secretary, Treasurer & Chairman Viv Nicks
Old Forge, Grendon Bishop, Bredenbury, Nr. Bromyard, Herefordshire, HR7 4TJ
Tel: 01885 482891
Web: www.lhcbc.co.uk


Mancunian Boxer Club

Secretary  Mrs S Jump
Watling House, Forest Hill, Hartford, Northwich, Cheshire CW8 2AT  
Tel: 01606 889043
Email: Boxer@quart.u-net.com

Treasurer Marjorie Calland
9, Nook Farm Avenue, Syke, Rochdale , Lancs OL12 0SH
Tel: 01706 341998

Acting Chairman Mr N Hobson

Web: www.mancunianboxerclub.co.uk


Merseyside Boxer Club

Secretary  Mrs M McArdle
12 Beeston Drive, Sefton, Merseyside, L30 7QQ
Tel: 0151 531 6361
Email: s.mcardle2@sky.com

Treasurer Mr S McArdle
12 Beeston Drive, Sefton, Merseyside, L30 7QQ
Tel: 0151 531 6361

Chairman Margaret Wildman
Aintree Lodge Croxteth Park Liverpool
Tel: 0151 256 7153
Web: www.merseysideboxer.com


Midland Boxer Club

Secretary & Treasurer Graham Mullis
6 Sperry Close
Tel: 01773779864
Email: Idleforde@aol.com

Chairman Robert Wimbush
28 Plant Lane, Cradley Heath, Warley, West Mids
Tel: 01384 561953
Web: www.midlandboxerclub.com


Northern Boxer Club 

Secretary & Treasurer  Mrs Vikki Van Beck
63 Wareham Grove, Dodsworth, S75 3LU 
Tel: 07836325125
Email: vikki@thenorthernboxerclub.co.uk

Chairman Trevour Welch

Web: www.thenorthernboxerclub.co.uk


Scottish Boxer Club

Secretary Mrs C Thompson
Red Lodge, Caldergrove, Cambuslang, Glasgow, G72 8YA
01698 821977
Email: scottishboxerclub@btinternet.com

Treasurer Mr A Todd

Chairman Mrs A Gibson

Web: www.thescottishboxerclub.co.uk

South Wales

South Wales Boxer Club

Secretary  Mr M James
49 Hall Drive, North Cornelly, Bridgend, South Wales CF33 4HR
Tel: 01656 714380 / 07587 181643
Email: Maromad@sky.com

Chairman/Treasurer Jason Jones
13, The Quadrangle Pyle Mid Glam CF33 6AU
Tel: 01656 746819

Web: www.southwalesboxerclub.com

South Western

South Western Boxer Club
Secretary Barbara Morrison
The Nook, Station Road. Brent Knoll, Somerset TA9 4BH
Tel: 01278 760305
email: Xandeneboxers@aol.com

Treasurer Mrs Joanne Cole
Tel: 01666 861025
Chairman Godfrey Morrison
The Nook, Station Road. Brent Knoll, Somerset TA9 4BH
Tel: 01278 760305
email: Xandeneboxers@aol.com
Web: www.southwesternboxerclub.co.uk


Trent Boxer Club

Secretary/Treasurer: Mrs Tanya Booth
193 Bowbridge Road, Newark, Nottinghamshire, NG24 4DG
E mail: tanyajanebooth@gmail.com
Tel: 01636 613523

Treasurer Mrs Junita Cobbledick

Mr. A Nowill
Overtown, Flyhill Bakewell Derbys DE45 1DN
Web: www.trentboxerclub.co.uk

Tyne Wear and Tees

Tyne, Wear & Tees Boxer Club

Secretary  Mrs Elizabeth Tarbett

Tel: 07920747311
Email: e.tarbett@sky.com

Treasurer Mr Ian Basnett
Slaugh House, Cambo, Morpeth, Northumberland NE61 4BD
Tel: 07767010846
Email: ianandneil.eriska@gmail.com

Chairman Mr. Stewart Copeland
12 Victoria Terrace, Coxhoe, Durham, DH6 4EA
Tel: 07717492378
Email: contact@kronosboxers.co.uk

Web: www.tyne-wear-tees-boxer-club.co.uk